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The private equity guide to cybersecurity provides private equity firms with the knowledge to manage their cyber risk.    

This guide is an introduction to cybersecurity for private equity firms that have a general awareness of the risks, but want a clearer idea of how to address them. It discusses the current threats to private equity houses and their portfolios, the regulatory landscape, and some of the key steps to developing the basis of an effective cybersecurity strategy now and for the years ahead.

What's inside

The threats to private equity

As cyber criminals become more sophisticated, private market participants need to be aware of the threats – as well as the costs of being ill-prepared.

How regulation is driving change

With regulation and legislation becoming more stringent, security and resilience is now a compliance issue for private equity. 

Thomas Murray's solution

Our cybersecurity services are tailored to private equity firms, and are designed to protect investments, empower our investors and prevent costly post-incident recovery efforts.

Threat intelligence summary

The key steps organisations can take now to build security and resilience in 2024 -- and beyond.

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